Believe it or not, autumn mulching is the best thing you can do for your garden in preparation for the next planting season. Read more with our Autumn Solutions.

As we are all harvesting the last crops of our fruitful season, we can easily forget that our soil has been doing the hard yards (pun intended) for the past few months. Rain, sun, storms, incredible heat…Our soil has given its all and is nearing the end of its nutrition stores. Although it is easy to forget about your garden for the next few months, it is best to start thinking about how to prepare your soil for the next season. To ensure another fruitful and successful planting season we should start. Preparing our soil will ensure that it has time to naturally build up its nutrition stores again without having to resort to artificial sprays and fertilizers last minute. Healthy soil will help your plants to fight off disease and any pests that will try to attack.

Mulch is the perfect solution if you want to look after your soil as well as ensure the environmental impact of your gardening is kept low. We produce our mulch in the sunny Bay of Plenty and only use high grade and untreated wood that would otherwise end in landfill.

Mulch has many beneficial properties to prepare your soil and garden for spring.


A good layer of mulch will insulate the soil below, including any tree and plant roots. The insulation will provide a layer of warm air flow and ensure frost can’t damage your plants.


Earthworms, microbes other small organisms are great for our gardens and we all know it, yet often we don’t do enough to protect them. They need warmth, shelter and food to do the job they are supposed to do. Giving them an extra layer of insulation will ensure they can keep working throughout the winter and prepare your soil for you. Additionally, mulch provides a much-needed food source during the otherwise fruitless months.


The colder months are often spent inside rather than in our yards, especially once we are back into winter time. Nobody wants to spend time in the yard to do the weeding. A good mulch layer will suppress weed growth and save your hours in preparing your garden for spring.


Autumn and winter months can be very long, cold and wet. Most garden lovers know that high rainfall can cause erosion, especially in more difficult terrain like steep banks. Mulch is the perfect way to protect from that, as it mats together and keeps everything in its place, even in stormy conditions


Autumn is a great time to prepare your soil for spring. Mulch breaks down and releases many nutrients that get absorbed into the soil. This will improve soil structure and fertility for the coming gardening season.

Mulch is the perfect protection from weather and an effortless way to prepare your yard for the coming year. It is easy to apply in the cooler autumn weather and prevents you from having to maintain your garden over the cold winter months.

For information on where you can find our mulch just contact us